Monday 27 April 2015

Skills for TV News Casters

                                              Skills for TV News Casters

news presenter – also known as a newsreadernewscaster  is a person who presents news during a news program ontelevision, on the radio or on the Internet. They may also be a working journalist, assisting in the collection of news material and may, in addition, provide commentary during the programme. News presenters most often work from a television studio or radio studio, but may also present the news from remote locations in the field related to a particular major news event.

A newscaster presents news stories and introduces video and live feeds from on-the-scene reporters. Newscasters report the news to television audiences and generally read reports from a teleprompter. Newscasters can find work in different specialties, which may include local or national current events, sports or weather. The job of a newscaster is to be trustworthy, control the program and regulate the mood of a television audience.
Newscasters must have a pleasing voice and appearance. Newscasters need to be trustworthy and have excellent communication skills. Anyone looking to begin a career in this field needs to be prepared to meet deadlines, work irregular hours and have tremendous reading comprehension skills. Computer skills are becoming increasingly important and can help newscasters stay informed and up to date on current topics and trends.

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